Your Investment Adviser’s Dirty Secret
Investment complexity is job security to advisers who charge 1% in fees. Click to read> Living Well Magazine
Coronavirus Sell-Off Presents Tax-Loss Harvesting Opportunity
Tax-loss harvesting and security swapping makes lemonade out of a lemon investment. Click to read>
Five Ways To Make Lemonade Out Of A Lemon Market
The current pandemic will pass. What can you do today to make your financial situation better for the future? I provide five ideas on
Vanguard’s Impersonal Advisor Service
Vanguard is now working on a new program that cuts the cost further by taking out the Vanguard personal advisor. I call it their Impersonal Advisor Service, or IAS. Published on FORBES
You May Never See Your Grandchildren Again
Hawkers of financial products will say anything to get your money. This line is a new low. On my FORBES.COM blog.
Just Stand There!
In an up and down market, the best strategy is to do nothing. Just stand there! on the Evidence-Based Investor blog.
Six Steps to Staying the Course
Six ways to stay disciplined during a volatile market as published on the Evidence-Based Investor blog.
Lies, Damned Lies, And Index Funds
Why do anti-indexing articles and statement get so much attention? My latest article on FORBES.COM
My 86-Year-Old Mother Is An Inadvertent Market Timer
My 86 year old mother wears the financial pants in the family and makes all the money decisions. Mom called out of the blue a while back to complain about her portfolio. She wanted an allocation change. Read this article on my FORBES.COM blog site.
Move Over 1% Adviser Fee: Change Is Here!
The era of investment advisers collecting a sweet one percent fee or more from your investments every year may be coming to an end. See my article on
Is Now the Time for Active Investing to Make a Comeback?
HERE IS A LINK to the Wall Street Journal article by Rick Ferri ( access may be required):